Sunday, September 2, 2012

Classroom Update

The past two weeks I've taken a break from blogging and Twitter to focus on preparing my classroom for the 2012-2013 school year. Environment matters to me, and I believe it matters to students too. A sterile classroom does not inspire creativity.

In the photos below, you can see the transformation. Hopefully, when students enter my room on Wednesday, their curiosity will be ignited before we open the first page of Lieutenant Hornblower. 

I have been doubly blessed this year to have the opportunity to switch out my long tables for round tables and to have a classroom set of iPads. Both of these things are going to influence my teaching, and I look forward to chronicling the adventure.

First up, the before pictures:

Next up: laying out the ocean and waves. These were created with cheap plastic tablecloths.

Then came the ship railings. I created these with butcher paper and a wood grain tool.

Close-up of the butcher paper before cutting it for railings.

The bow:

The round tables arrive!

The mast and boom. I already had a somewhat inconvenient post in the middle of my classroom that I turned into the mast. The boom is a long piece of painted PVC and old IKEA curtains were used for the sail. 

I framed my bulletin boards and added small islands to the vista. It's hard to see, but there are shrouds and ratlines running from the ceiling to the railings. 

My next step was creating the quarterdeck. This was a challenge, because I had to work around large pieces of furniture. 

A flock of seagulls came for a visit.

 Welcome, friends. 

And then... finally... it was all done in time for Open House! 

Command Central

 Here's a 360 view around my classroom.

Let the school year begin!


  1. What a work of art the students will be working in!

  2. Very nice room. I was feeling a little sea sick as I was looking at it:-) the prettiest picture was the cart of iPads. I'll have to stop by and look at them with envy.

  3. I would love to have been in your class in high school or college or this past summer or the semester ahead!
    Tremendous job, Hannah!

  4. Thanks, everyone. It was a labor of love.
