Tuesday, November 20, 2012


On December 1st, I'm attending my fourth edcamp conference - EdcampNJ. I don't know what I will be speaking on, but I do know that I will put myself out there and lead at least one session.

I think it's important for us edtechies to take every speaking opportunity we can. Why? The very act of putting together a talk, reflecting on our experiences, polling colleagues for suggestions, and combing the internet for resources pushes our craft forward. I am a better teacher, because I commit myself to speaking engagements.

Not everyone is comfortable speaking in a room full of hundreds - this is why Edcamp is a perfect model to test your speaking wings. Generally, the sessions are small, the audience is generous and forgiving of little gaffes, and the atmosphere is electric. New ideas are born, friendships are cemented, and you might even win a nifty gadget.

I want to encourage EdcampNJ attendees to sign up for a session. The more, the better. I want to hear new ideas - many of us have seen the same sessions over and over. What are you doing that is different? I'd love to her about your projects or your faculty communication model.

Actually, I've just decided on my topic while typing this:
When Things Go Wrong
Problem Solving Strategies for Technology Hiccups

What will you be speaking about?


  1. Some possibilities for me:

  2. Good ideas, Paul - I'd be interested in attending both of those sessions.
